Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Corfu, Greece

Well, we were kindof using Corfu as a springboard to Albania. But we had a nice dinner in the evening and a quiet, beautiful walk in the morning before our cab whisked us away to the Port to catch our ferry.

I recommend that everyone take a cab ride in Greece. If the g-forces aren't enough to thrill you, you will be amazed by the number of times that Greek drivers feel compelled to stop their vehicles, get out, and yell at each other in the middle of the street.

The ferry office was crammed with Albanians heading home with groceries, laundry detergent and the like. It was a sweltering morning, but finally we all got aboard the noble Santa III (pictured above) and like Team Zissou we took off for open waters.

1 comment:

Peter and Lulu said...

The hostel in Greece has been sponsored!

The ferry ride from Greece to Albania has been sponsored!